Topics in ‘tips and tricks’

Rails Troubleshooting Again

In the course of developing a couple themes for the Typo Theme Contest, I ran into some troubles with Typo. Running it locally with Webrick, I kept getting random errors. First, the stylesheet wouldn’t load, or it’d stop loading midway through; then I’d reload the page, and I’d get a random, meaningless error; I’d reload […]

Rails HowTo: Pluralizing

Into JavaScript? Have I got good news for you!If you’re interested in JavaScript-driven web apps, snazzy visual fx, and generally confusing people into thinking your site is Flash—but oh-so-much better—you should buy our JavaScript Performance Rocks! book while it’s still in beta. Written by Thomas Fuchs, the creator of Scriptaculous, and yours truly, the maker […]

Making Multi-Column Text Work

Er, whoops! If you wanted to comment on this entry, or trackback, I apologize. I accidentally had those turned off. Trust me, it’s not personal. Now, feel free to either rant or rave. Well, it’s still the end of my rant, but Misuba left a comment on my previous post (prior to this update) with […]

New Cheatsheet: What’s Ajax?

Into JavaScript? Have I got good news for you!If you’re interested in JavaScript-driven web apps, snazzy visual fx, and generally confusing people into thinking your site is Flash—but oh-so-much better—you should buy our JavaScript Performance Rocks! book while it’s still in beta. Written by Thomas Fuchs, the creator of Scriptaculous, and yours truly, the maker […]

Migratory Schemas

It’s getting to be that time of year again… the leaves are falling, the skies are gray, the temperature’s noticably lower. It’s time for birds to make their way south. And apparently this is the migratory season for another ineffable creature, the database schema. Kevin Clark has written an awesome article on writing migrations for […]

Cool Stuff Round-up

Just to balance off the intense Amy-centricism of the previous post, I’d like to have a little linkapalooza of cool stuff from other people which you’ll want to check out. Faster TDD with Rails promises, well, faster TDD with Rails. Florian’s new approach eliminates a lot of the cruft when running tests on Rails apps […]

upgrading typo to 2.5.6

Well! I upgraded my ooooold (2.0.6) Typo install to the spiffing new 2.5.6. I learned all about rake migrate (which didn’t want to work) and such fun things. And, because of the new theme engine, I’m back to square one, visually speaking. And my other preferences are gone, too. Upgrading your Typo is as easy […]

Yet more Ajax debugging

neillzero on #rubyonrails pointed us at this Greasemonkey script (blog post about it) which is even more appropriate for debugging Ajax stuff than the other techniques I’ve mentioned here. In addition to showing you the requests, it even lets you modify requests. As the author says: Each individual XMLHttpRequest invocation will get listed there, with […]

"Packets out of order" take 2

Daryl of Two Ells has come up with another way to solve that blasted “Packets out of order” error, without installing a new gem. Just a refresher, to anyone who’s finding me via Google and doesn’t know what this error means: It refers to the changed MySQL password hashing in version 4.1 and greater. You […]

Ajax Craziness with Amy

I’m prototyping an internal application for my company, and I’m using Rails to do it (yay!). It’ll probably turn into a Javascript-only application, with some hooks to the server, later on. In the mean time, I get to do such fun stuff as this: <script type=”text/javascript”> Droppables.add(‘conditional_<%= @id %>’, {hoverclass:’hover’, onDrop:function(element){ new Ajax.Updater(‘conditional_<%= @id %>’, […]

Hey, why not get a shiny
Freckle Time Tracking